
发布时间:2012-07-16 来源: 12.1艾滋病日活动计划

从本次模拟考试情况看,我校初三学生英语学习中存在的问题主要有以下两点:一是学生... 11.17-11.23 6二周 parks.第十 11.24-11.30 6 Unit 9 When was it invented三周第十 12.1-...

.....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... 《英语》12 月 1 日-12 月 15 日学习计划 [注]:1.请大家做好后,务必好好订正修改并且做好记忆和背诵工作。


3.这个学习计划只是一个大概的框架,在完成这些任务的基础上可以自己 酌情增加练习。


5.作业到时候要检查,请务必认真的完成。 《2013 浙江专升本考试专用教材---英语》复习规划: 一、 单词:


除下面第一部分扩充词汇背诵外, 《核心词汇》 从 86---110 页,注意词汇的搭配、用法、及重要意义、 二、复习高频语法 7-8 节;并完成相应后面的经典练习,熟练掌握。

三、专题练习;完形填空 要求: 1. 认真阅读 P239-P244 的解题思路 2. 完成阅读经典演练的全部练习 3. 认真订正,并背诵重点句型,词汇 四、作文: 完成经典演练作文至少 2 两篇 第一部分:词汇背诵 1.particle/’pa:tikl/ n.粒子,微粒 2.particular/ p?’tikjul?/ a.特殊的;特定的 3.partner/’pa:tn?/ n.伙伴;搭挡;配偶 4.passion/’p???n/ n.激情,热情;爱好 passion for 对…的强烈爱好 have a passion for 对…有强烈的爱好 passion fruit [植]百香果;西番莲果 crime of passion 激情犯罪;冲动犯罪 passion is sweet 激情很美;强烈的情感是甜蜜的 5.passive/’p?siv/ a.被动的;消极的 6.passport/’pa:sp?:t/ n.护照 7.paste/ peist/ n.糊,酱;浆湖 8.pat/ p?t/ n.&vt.&n.轻拍 9.patience/’pei??ns/ n.忍耐,容忍,耐心 10.peace/ pi:s/ n.和平;和睦;平静 in peace 和平地;安静,宁静;安祥地 peace of mind 内心的宁静;明镜止水 world peace 世界和平 at peace 处于和平状态 11.peasant/’pez?nt/ n.农民 第 1 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... 12.penetrate/’penitreit/ vt.穿过 vi.穿入 penetrate into 刺入;透入 penetrate through 穿透 13.perceive/ p?’si:v/ vt.察觉,发觉;理解 perceive as 视为;当作 14.percent/ p?’sent/ n.百分之… 16.perfect/’p?:fikt,’p?:fekt/ a.完美的;完全的 17.perform/ p?’f?:m/ vt.履行,执行;演出 18.permanent/’p?:m?n?nt/ a.永久的,持久的 permanent magnet 永久磁铁 permanent residence 长期居留 permanent resident 永久性居民 permanent member 常任理事国;永久性成分 permanent damage 永久损伤 19.permission/ p?(:)’mi??n/ n.允许,许可,同意 20.persist/ p?:’sist/ vi.坚持,固执;持续 21.personal/’p?:s?nl/ a.个人的;本人的 22.personnel/ p?:s?’nel/ n.全体人员,全体职员 23.perspective/ p?:’spektiv/ n.透视;远景;观点 in perspective 正确地;符合透视法地 new perspective 新观点 historical perspective 历史展望 24.persuade/ p?:’sweid/ vt.说服 vi.被说服 persuade sb 说服某人;劝服 persuade someone 说服对方 25.pessimistic/ pesi’mistik/ a.悲观的;厌世的 26.phenomenon/ fi’n?min?n/ n.现象 27.pierce/ pi?s/ vt.剌穿 vi.穿入 pierce through 突破,穿刺入 28.pitch/ pit?/ vt.投,掷 vi.投掷 29.plentiful/’plentiful/ a.丰富的,富裕的 30.plunge/ plΛnd?/ vt.使投入;使陷入 31.polish/’p?li?/ vt.磨光;使优美 polish off 草草完成;打败 polish up 改善;润色;使完美;使醉 high polish 高度磨光 32.positive/’p?z?tiv/ a.确定的;积极的 33.possess/’p?’zes/ vt.占用,拥有(财产) possess oneself 自制,镇静 possess someone of something 使某人拥有某物 possess of 拥有;占有 34.possession/ p?’ze??n/ n.有,所有;占有物 第 2 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... 35.possibility/ p?s?’biliti/ n.可能;可能的事 36.postpone/ p?ust’p?un/ vt.延迟,推迟,延缓 37.potential/ p?’ten??l/ a.潜在的 n.潜力 38.poverty/’p?v?ti/ n.贫穷,贫困 39.praise/ preiz/ n.赞扬,赞美 vi.赞扬 40.precaution/ pri’k?:??n/ n.预防;警惕 41.preceding/ pri(:)’si:di?/ a.在前的;在先的 42.precious/’pre??s/ a.珍贵的,宝贵的 43.precise/ pri’sais/ a.精确的,准确的 44.precision/ pri’si??n/ n.精确,精密,精密度 45.predict/ pri’dikt/ v.预言,预告,预测 46.preface/’prefis/ n.序言,前言,引语 47.prefer/ pri’f?:/ vt.宁可,宁愿 48.preferable/’pref?r?bl/ a.更可取的,更好的 49.preference/’pref?r?ns/ n.偏爱,优先;优先权 50.prejudice/’pred?udis/ n.偏见,成见 51.preliminary/ pri’limin?ri/ a.预备的,初步的 52.preparation/ prep?’rei??n/ n.准备,预备;制备 53.prepare / pri’pe?/ vt.&vi.准备,预备 54.preposition/ prep?’zi??n/ n.前置词,介词 55.prescribe/ pris’kraib/ vt.命令;处(方) 56.presence/’prezns/ n.出席,到场;在 57.preserve/ pri’z?:v/ vt.保护;保存;腌渍 58.prevail/ pri’veil/ vi.胜,优胜;流行 59.prevent/ pri’vent/ vt.预防,防止;阻止 60.previous/’pri:vj?s/ a.先的;前的 ad.在前 61.primarily/’praim?rili/ ad.首先;主要地 62.primitive/’primitiv/ a.原始的;粗糙的 primitive religion 原始宗教 primitive people 原始人;原始民族 primitive culture 原始文明 primitive type 原始类型;原语类型 primitive accumulation of capital 原始资本积累 63.principal/’prins?p?l/ a.主要的 n.负责人 64.principle/’prins?pl/ n.原则,原理;主义 65.private/’praivit/ a.私人的;私下的 66.privilege/’privilid?/ n.特权,优惠 privilege violation 特权扰乱 access privilege[计] 存取特权;访问特权 object privilege 对象权限;对象特权 67.professional/ pr?’fe??nl/ a.职业的 n.专业人员 68.profit/’pr?fit/ n.益处;利润 vi.得益 profit from 得益于;利用 net profit 净利润 第 3 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... economic profit 经济利润,经济盈利 profit margin [经]利润率 pr?’gresiv/ a.进步的;向前进的 70.prohibit/ pr?’hibit/ vt.禁止,阻止 71.project/ pr?’d?ekt,’pr?d?ekt/ n.方案,工程 vi.伸出 72.prominent/’pr?min?nt/ a.实起的;突出的 prominent intellectuals 高知识群体 prominent figures 巨头;人物 prominent fold 主褶皱 73.promise/’pr?mis/ n.诺言;指望 vt.允诺 74.promote/ pr?’m?ut/ vt.促进,发扬;提升 75.prompt/ pr?mpt/ a.及时的 vt.敦促 76.proof/ pru:f/ n.证据;证明;校样 77. proposal/ pr?’p?uz?l/ n.提议,建议;求婚 78.prosperity/ pr?s’periti/ n.繁荣;昌盛,兴旺 79.protest/ pr?’test,’pr?utest/ vt.&vi.&n.抗议 80.provided/ pr?’vaidid/ conj.以…为条件 81.provision/ pr?’vi??n/ n.供应;预备;存粮 82.punctual/’pΛ?ktju?l/ a.严守时刻的;准时的 83.rational/’r???nl/ a.理性的;出于理性的 84.recognize/’rek?gnaiz/ vt.认识,认出;承认 85.recommend/ rek?’mend/ vt.推荐,介绍;劝告 86.reinforce/ ri:in’f?:s/ vt.增援,支援;加强 87.reject/ ri’d?ekt/ vt.拒绝;丢掉;驳回 88.release/ ri’li:s/ vt.释放;放松;发表 89.reliable/ ri’lai?bl/ a.可靠的,可信赖的 90.reluctant/ ri’lΛkt?nt/ a.不愿的,勉强的 91.remarkable/ ri’ma:k?bl/ a.异常的,非凡的 92.remedy/’remidi/ n.&vt.治疗;补救 93.remote/ ri’m?ut/ a.相隔很远的;冷淡的 94.render/’rend?/ vt.表示,给予;使得 95.represent/ repri’zent/ vt.描绘;代表;象征 96.rescue/’reskju:/ vt.&n.援救,营救 rescue work n. 救济事业 rescue workers 救援人员 search and rescue 搜索与营救 rescue operation 救护工作,拯救行动;抢险救援工作;救助作业 rescue package 一揽子救援计划 97.resemble/ ri’zembl/ vt.像,类似 98.resign/ ri’zain/ vt.放弃 vi.辞职 99.resist/ ri’zist/ vt.&vi.抵抗,抵制 100.resolution/ rez?’lju:??n/ n.坚决,坚定;决定 101.respectively/ ris’pektivli/ ad.各自地,分别地 102.retreat/ ri’tri:t/ vi.(被迫)退却,后退 第 4 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... 103.reveal/ ri’vi:l/ vt.展现;揭示,揭露 104.revolt/ ri’v?ult/ vi.&n.反抗,造反 105.ridiculous/ ri’dikjul?s/ a.荒谬的 106.rigid/’rid?id/ a.刚硬的;僵硬的 107.roast/ r?ust/ vt.&vi.烤,炙,烘 108.rotary/’r?ut?ri/ a.旋转的,转动的 109.rotten/’r?tn/ a.腐烂的,发臭的 110.rough/ rΛf/ a.表面不平的;粗略的 111.rouse/ rauz/ vt.唤醒,唤起;惊起 112.routine/ ru:’ti:n/ n.例行公事 a.日常的 113.rural/’ru?r?l/ a.农村的,田园的 114.sacrifice/’s?krifais/ n.&vt.牺牲;南祭 human sacrifice 人祭;活人献祭 at the sacrifice of 以牺牲…为代价 115. sake/ seik/ n.缘故,理由 for the sake 为了…;为了...的利益 for the sake of 为了;为了…的利益 for god's sake 看在上帝面上 for sake 为了…的缘故 for sake of 为了… 116.satisfactory/ s?tis’f?kt?ri/ a.令人满意的,良好的 117.scarcely/’ske?sli/ ad.仅仅;几乎不 118.scatter/’sk?t?/ vt.使消散;撒;散播 119.scenery/’si:n?ri/ n.舞台布景;风景 120.schedule/’?edju:l/ n.时间表;计划表 si’kju?riti/ n.安全,安全感 122.sensible/’sens?bl/ a.感觉得到的;明智的 123.sensitive/’sensitiv/ a.敏感的;灵敏的 124.separate/’sep?reit,’sep?rit/ a.分离的;个别的 125.sequence/’si:kw?ns/ n.连续,继续;次序 126.shelter/’?elt?/ n.隐蔽处;掩蔽,庇护 127.shield/ ?i:ld/ n.盾;防护物 vt.保护 128.shortage/’??:tid?/ n.不足,缺少,不足额 129.shriek/ ?ri:k/ vi.尖声喊叫 n.尖叫声 130.significance/ sig’nifik?ns/ n.意义,意味;重要性 economic significance 经济重要性 statistical significance 统计显著性;统计数据 significance test 显著性检验;显著性测定 significance level [化]显著水平,显著性水平 political significance 政治意义 131.simplicity/ sim’plisiti/ n.简单,简易;朴素 132.sketch/ sket?/ n.略图;速写;概略 133.slippery/’slip?ri/ a.滑的,使人滑跤的 第 5 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... 134.solid/’s?lid/ a.固体的 n.固体 136.sophisticated/ s?’fistikeitid/ a.老于世故的;高级的 137.stain/ stein/ vt.沾污;给…着色 138.static/’st?tikl/ a.静的;静态的 139.sticky/’stiki/ a.粘性的;胶粘的 140.subsequent/’sΛbsikw?nt/ a.随后的,后来的 141.substantial/ s?b’st?n??l/ a.物质的;坚固的 substantial evidence 确实证据 substantial savings 巨额储蓄 substantial shareholder 大股东;主要股东 substantial connection 实质联系;密切关系 substantial step 实质措施 142.succession/ s?k’se? ?n/ n.连续;继任,继承 143.superficial/ sju:p?’fi? ?l/ a.表面的;肤浅的 144.superior/ sju:’pi?ri?/ a.较高的;优越的 145.supplement/’sΛplim?nt/ n.&vt.增补,补充 146.suppose/ s?’p?uz/ vt.猜想;假定;让 147.supreme/ sju:’pri:m/ a.最高的;最大的 148.surrender/ s?’rend?/ vt.交出 vi.投降 149.suspicious / s?s’pi? ?s/ adj.怀疑的;可疑的 150.sustain/ s?s’tein/ vt.支撑;供养;忍受 151.sympathetic/ simp?’θetik/ a.同情的;和谐的 152.sympathize/’simp?θaiz/ vi.同情;同感,共鸣 153.talent/’t?l?nt/ n.天才;才能;人才 154.tedious/’ti:di?s/ a.冗长乏味的,沉闷的 155.temporary/’temp?r?ri/ a.暂时的,临时的 156.tender/’tend?/ a.嫩的;脆弱的 tender for 投标 open tender 公开招标 tender offer 投标报价;招标 legal tender 法定货币;法币 tender feeling 柔情 157.thorough/’θΛr?/ a.彻底的;详尽的 158.thoughtful/’θ? :tful/ a.沉思的;体贴的 159.thread/ θred/ n.线;丝;螺纹;头绪 160.threat/ θret/ n.威胁,恐吓,凶兆 161.thrive/ θraiv/ vi.兴旺,繁荣,旺盛 162.throat/ θr?ut/ n.咽喉,喉咙;嗓音 163.throughout/ θru:’aut/ prep.遍及 ad.到处 164.thrust/ θrΛst/ vt.插,刺 n.插;讽刺 165.thunder/’θΛnd?/ n.雷 vi.打雷 vt.吼出 166.tide/ taid/ n.潮,潮汐;潮流 167.tidy/’taidi/ a.整洁的;整齐的 168.tissue/’tisju:/ n.薄绢;薄纸;组织 第 6 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... 169.toast/ t?ust/ n.烤面包 vt.烘,烤 170.tolerance/’t? l?r?ns/ n.忍受,容忍;公差 171.torture/’t? :t? ?/ n.拷问;折磨 vt.拷打’t?utl/ a.总的 vi.合计,总共 173.tough/ tΛf/ a.坚韧的;健壮的 174.trace/ treis/ n.痕迹;丝毫 vt.跟踪 175.track/ tr?k/ n.行踪;路径;轨道 176.transfer/ tr?ns’f?:/ vt.转移;调动 vi.转移 177.transform/ tr?ns’f? :m/ vt.改变;改造;变换 178.transmit/ tr?nz’mit/ vt.传送,传达;发射 179.transparent/ tr?ns’pe?r?nt/ a.透明的;易识破的 180.trap/ tr?p/ n.陷阱;诡计 vt.诱骗 on trap 可得的;随时可用的 steam trap 疏水阀;疏水器;汽水分离器;凝汽阀 trap door [建]天窗;陷阱门;[建]地板或屋顶上的活门 set a trap 设陷阱 181.tray/ trei/ n.(浅)盘,托盘,碟 182.treasure/’tre? ?/ n.财富;珍宝 vt.珍视 treasure house n. 宝库;宝藏室 priceless treasure 无价之宝 treasure trove n. 无主珍宝,无主埋藏物 buried treasure 宝藏;埋葬的宝藏;藏宝 treasure chest 财宝箱;宝库 183.tremble/’trembl/ vi.发抖,哆嗦;摇动 184.tremendous/ tri’mend?s/ a.极大的,非常的 185.trial/’trai?l/ n.试,试验;审判 186. triumph/’trai?mf/ n.凯旋;胜利 vi.成功 187.tropical/’tr? pik?l/ a.热带的 188.troublesome/’trΛbls?m/ a.令人烦恼的;麻烦的 189.ultimate/’Λltimit/ a.最后的,最终的 ultimate goal 最终目标;终极目标 ultimate strength 极限强度,强度极限 ultimate bearing capacity 极限承载力,极限承载量;轴承极限能力,承载量 ultimate objective 最终目标;最极目标 190.unconscious/ Λn’k? ? ?s/ a.不省人事的 191.undergo/ Λnd?’g?u/ vt.经历,经受,忍受 192.underline/ Λnd?’lain/ vt.划线于…之下 193.underneath/ Λnd?’ni:θ/ ad.在下面,在底下 194.undertake/ Λnd?’teik/ vt.从事;承担;保证 195.undoubtedly/ Λn’dautidli/ ad.无容置疑,肯定地 196.uneasy/ Λn’i:zi/ a.心神不安的,忧虑的 197.unexpected/’Λniks’pektid/ a.想不到的,意外的 198.uniform/’ju:nif? :m/ a.一样的 n.制服 199.union/’ju:nj?n/ n.联合;团结;协会 第 7 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... 200.unique/ ju:’ni:k/ a.唯一的,独一无二的 unique style 独特的风格 unique feature 特色;特性;独到之处 unique opportunity 唯一机会;极难得的机会 unique ability 独有能力 unique solution 唯一解 第二部分:词汇练习 1. This ticket A) entities 2. This is the nurse who A) accompanied you to a free boat tour on the lake. B) appoints C) grants D) credits to me when I was ill in hospital. B) attended C) entertained . D) strike D) shielded 3. I was about to a match when I remembered Tom’s warning A) rub B) hit C) scrape 4. The advertisement says this material doesn’t A) contract B) shrink in the wash, but it has. C) slim D) dissolve 5. He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he ________ us that he would try as hard as possible. A) insured B) guaranteed C) assumed D) assured 6. Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will A) derive B) acquire C) benefit from the new training facilities. D) reward 7. The work was almost complete when we received orders to ________ no further with it. A) progress B) proceed C) march D) promote 8. I waited for him half an hour, but he never ________. A) turned in B) turned down C) turned off immediately. D) crack D) turned up 9. A house with a dangerous gas can be broken into A) leak 10. A dark suit is A) favourable B) split C) mess to a light one for evening wear. B) suitable C) preferable of Professor Jones. C) recognition D) association 第 8 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() D) proper 11. It was in the United States that I made the A) acknowledgement B) acquaintance .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... 12. Could you take a sheet of paper and write your name at the A) bare B) vacant C) hollow top? D) blank 13. A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than is a culture where citizens come from backgrounds. A) extensive B) influential C) diverse D) identical particular care. D) with 14. Areas where students have particular difficulty have been treated A) by 15. He gave a A) pledge B) in C) under to handle the affairs in a friendly manner. B) mission C) plunge he cuts himself. C) now that D) only if D) motion 16. Don’t let the child play with scissors A) in case B) so that 17. ________encountered the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel, and almost everything. A) As far as B) As long as C) As well as D) As soon as 18. Many people lost their jobs during the business ________. A) desperation 19. Whenever a big company A) gets on with B) cuts down B) decrease C) despair D) depression a small one, the product almost always gets worse. C) takes over D) puts up with 20. Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was ________. A) mature B) deliberate C) meaningful D) innocent 第三部分:经典习题演练 PartⅠ Reading Comprehension Section A Passage1 It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry (嫁妆). Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion, but in reality its 第 9 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... function in the social and family life of the time was much more important. The dowry was the wife’s right to receive a tenth of all her husband’s property. The wife had the right to with hold consent, in all transactions the husband would make, and more than just a right;

the documents show that she enjoyed a real power of decision, equal to that of her husband. In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife。

The wife shared in the management of her husband’s personal property, but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance against husbands who tried to exceed their rights, and on occasion they showed a fine fighting spirit. A case in point is that of Maria Vivas. Having agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited, for the needs of the household, she insisted on compensation. None being offered, she succeeded in dragging her husband to the scribe to have a contract duly drawn up assigning her a piece of land from Miro’s personal inheritance. The unfortunate husband was obliged to agree, as the contract says, “for the sake of peace 。

” Either through the dowry or through being hot-tempered, the wife knew how to win herself, with the context of the family, a powerful economic position. 1. Originally, the purpose of a dowry is to_________. [A]give a woman the right to receive all her husband’s property [B]help a woman to enjoy a higher position in the family [C]protect a woman against the risk of desertion [D]both A and C 2. According to the passage, the legal status of the wife in marriage was__________. [A]higher than that of a single woman [B]higher than that of her husband [C]lower than that of her husband [D]the same as that of her husband 3. Why does the author give us the example of Maria Vivas? [A]To show that the wife shared in the management of her husband’s personal property [B]To show that the wife can defend her own inheritance [C]To prove that women have powerful position [D]To illustrate how women win her property 4.The compensation Maria Vivas got for the field is____________. [A]some of the land Miro had inherited [B]a tenth of Miro’s land [C]money for household expenses 第 10 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... [D]money form Miro’s inheritance 5. The author’s attitude towards Maria Vivas is_____________。

[A]sympathetic [B]disapproval [C]indifferent [D]objective Passage 2 According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may become recognized as the leader of a social group. In the family, traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases, such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually emerge as leaders, although there is no formal process of selection. In larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through election or recruitment. Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability, decades of research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of “natural leaders”. It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have in common;

rather, virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group. Research suggests that there are typically two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals. Instrumental leadership is leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks by a social group. Group members look to instrumental leaders to “get things done”. Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-beings of a social group’s members. Expressive leaders are less concerned with the overall goals of the group than with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and conflict among them. Instrumental leaders are likely to have a rather secondary relationship to other group members. They give others and may discipline group members who inhibit attainment of the group goals. Expressive leaders cultivate a more personal or primary relationship to others in the group. They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties and try to resolve issues that threaten to divide the group. As the difference in these two roles suggest, expressive leaders generally receive more personal affection from group members;

instrumental leaders, if they are successful in promoting group goals, may enjoy a more distant respect. 6. What does the passage mainly discuss? [A]The problems faced by leaders [B]How leadership differs in small and large groups [C]How social groups determine who will lead them [D]The role of leaders in social groups 7. The passage mentions all of the following ways by which people can become leaders EXCEPT_____________. [A] recruitment [B]formal election process 第 11 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... [C]specific leadership training [D]traditional cultural patterns 8. Which of the following statements about leadership can be inferred from Paragraph 2? [A]A person who is an effective leader of a particular group may not be an effective leader in another group [B]Few people succeed in sharing a leadership role with another person [C]A person can best learn how to be an effective leader by studying research on leadership [D]Most people desire to be leaders but can produce little evidence of their qualifications 9. In mentioning “natural leaders” in Line 7, the author is making the point that____________. [A]few people qualify as “natural leaders” [B]there is no proof that “natural leaders” exist [C]“natural leaders” are easily accepted by the members of a group [D]“natural leaders” share a similar set of characteristics 10. The passage indicates that instrumental leaders generally focus on___________. [A]ensuring harmonious relationships [B]sharing responsibility with group members [C]identifying new leaders [D]achieving a goal Section B (从 7 个选项中选 5 个,每空格 2 分,共 10 分) Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth. There are hundreds of kinds of sharks. Most are about two meters long. The dogfish shark, however, is less than twenty centimeters in length. A shark has an extremely good sense of smell. It can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body liquids and chemicals produced by animals. 1 Sharks eat fish, other sharks, and plants that live in the ocean. Sharks grow slowly. About forty percent of all sharks lay eggs. 2 Some sharks carry their young inside their bodies as humans do. Some sharks are not able to reproduce until they are twenty years old.Most reproduce only every two years. And they give birth to fewer than ten young sharks. For this reason, over-fishing of sharks is of special danger to the future of the animal. Sharks are important for the world’s oceans. They eat injured and diseased fish. Their hunting activities mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become too great. 3 . People hunt sharks for sport, food, medicine and their skin. Experts say the international market for some kinds of sharks has increased because many parts of a shark are valuable. 第 12 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... Collectors pay thousands of dollars for the jaws of a shark. 4 The skin of a shark can be used like leather. In Asia, people enjoy a kind of soup made from shark fins. Experts say a fisherman can earn a lot of money for even one kilogram of shark fins. Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth, but some sharks are in danger of disappearing from Earth. 5 . [A].Shark liver oil is a popular source of Vitamin A [B].This protects the plants and other forms of life that exist in the oceans [C].Sharks are valuable to us and we can make full use of them [D].These powerful senses help sharks find their food [E]. If too many sharks in one area are killed, that group of sharks may never return to normal population levels [F].This is a threat to other forms of life in the ocean. [G].The others give birth to live young Section C Banked Cloze (从 15 个选项中选择 10 个,每空格 1 分,共 10 分) What is it about Americans and food? We love to eat, but we feel 1 about it afterward. We say we want only the best, but we strangely enjoy junk food. We’re 2 with health and weight loss but face an unprecedented epidemic of obesity. Perhaps the 3 to this ambivalence lies in our history. The first Europeans came to this continent searching for new spices but went in vain. The first cash crop wasn’t eaten but smoked. Then there was Prohibition, intended to prohibit drinking but actually encouraging more 4 ways of doing it。

The immigrant experience, too, has been one of in harmony. Do as Romans do means eating what “real Americans” eat, but our nation’s food has come to be 5 by imports-pizza, say, or hot dogs. And some of the country’s most treasured cooking comes from people who arrived here in shackles。

Perhaps it should come as no surprise then that food has been a medium for the nation’s defining struggles, whether at the Boston Tea Party or the sit-ins at southern lunch counters. It is integral to our concepts of health and even morality whether one refrains from alcohol for religious reasons or evades meat for political 6 . But strong opinions have not brought 7 . Americans are ambivalent about what they put in their mouths. We have become 8 of our foods, especially as we learn more about what they contain。

The 9 in food is still prosperous in the American consciousness. It’s no coincidence, then, that the first Thanksgiving holds the American imagination in such bondage(束缚).It’s what we eat—and how we 10 it with friends。

[A]answer [B]result [C]share [G]vanish [H]adapted [I]creative [M]obsessed [N]identify [O]ideals [D]guilty [J]belief [E]constant [K]suspicious [F]defined [L]certainty 第 13 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... PartⅡIntegrated Testing Section A Cloze If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or 1 in your work would depend, to 2 great extent, 3 your ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. 4 the utmost importance is your attitude. A person 5 begins a job convinced that he isn’t going to like it or is 6 that he is going to ail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success. On the other hand, a person who is secure 7 his belief that he is probably as capable 8 doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt 9 it possesses a certain strength of purpose. The chances are that he will do well. 10 the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviously a weakness. A book keeper who can’t add or a carpenter who can’t cut a straight line with a saw 11 hopeless cases. This book has been designed to help you capitalize 12 the strength and overcome the 13 that you bring to the job of learning. But for your development, you must first 14 stock of where you stand now. 15 we get further along in the book, we’ll be 16 in some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening 17 skills. However, 18 begin with, you should pause 19 examine your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas that are critical to your success or failure in school: your 20 , your reading and communication skills, and your study habits. 1. [A]improvement 2. [A]a 3. [A]in 4. [A]Out of 5. [A]who 6. [A]ensure 7. [A]onto 8. [A]to 9. [A]near 10. [A]Have 11. [A]being 12. [A]except 13. [A]idea 14. [A]make 15. [A]As 16. [A]deal 17. [A]learnt 18. [A]around 19. [A]to 20. [A]intelligence [B]victory [B]the [B]on [B]Of [B]what [B]certain [B]on [B]at [B]on [B]Had [B]been [B]but [B]weakness [B]take [B]Till [B]dealt [B]learned [B]to [B]onto [B]work [C]failure [C]some [C]of [C]To [C]how [C]sure [C]off [C]of [C]by [C]Having [C]are [C]for [C]strength [C]do [C]Over [C]be dealt [C]learning [C]from [C]into [C]attitude [D]achievement [D]certain [D]to [D]Into [D]which [D]surely [D]in [D]for [D]at [D]Had been [D]is [D]on [D]advantage [D]give [D]Out [D]dealing [D]learn [D]beside [D]with [D]weakness Section B Short Answer Questions People do not analyze every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a similar problem. They often accept the opinions or ideas of other 第 14 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... people. Other times they begin to act without thinking;

they try to find a solution by trial and error. However, when all these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analyzing. Generally speaking, there are six stages in analyzing a problem. First the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must see that there is a problem with his bicycle. Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the gears, the brakes, or the frame. He must make his problem more specific. Now the person must look for information that will make the problem clearer and lead to possible solutions. For instance, suppose Sam decided that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the gear wheels. At this time, he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about gears. He can talk to his friends at the bike shop. He can look at his gears carefully. After studying the problem, the person should have several suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an illustration. His suggestions might be: put oil on the gear wheels;

buy new gear wheels and replace the old ones;

tighten or loosen the gear wheels. Eventually one suggestion seems to be the solution to the problem. Sometimes the final idea comes very suddenly because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a new way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees that there is a piece of chewing gum between the gear wheels. He immediately realizes the solution to his problem: he must clean the gear wheels. Finally the solution is tested. Sam cleans the gear wheels and finds that afterwards his bicycle works perfectly. In short, he has solved the problem. 1. By saying “Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a similar problem”(Lines 1-2, Para. 1), the author suggests that we can solve a problem by learning from . 2. After recognizing the problem, one should make the problem . 3. According to the author, the person with a problem may get several suggestions for a possible solution through . 4. What is the author’s purpose of taking Sam’s broken bicycle for example? 5. What does the author think is the last thing we should do in analyzing a problem? Part III Integrated Testing Section A 1. I should say Henry is______________(与其说是个作家不如说是) as a reporter. 2.In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives______________(起着不可缺少的作 用) in raising children. 3. Mr. Johnson made full preparation for the experiment____________________(以便实验能顺 利进行). 第 15 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... 4. Prices are going up rapidly. Petrol now __________________________(价格是几年前的两 倍). 5. How close parents are to their children __________________(有很强的影响) the character of the children. Section B If women are mercilessly exploited year after year, they have only themselves to blame. 1.Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores. Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion. 2. When you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear. Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste. 3.Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Skirts are lengthened or shortened;

neck-lines are lowered or raised, and so on. 4. No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability. They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn't at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in high-heeled shoes. 5. When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women's clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability? Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide. 1. Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores. 2. When you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear. 第 16 页 共 17 页 文亮官网() .....资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任 ...... 3.Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. 4. No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. 5. When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. PartⅣWriting 1. 竞争使人们充满创造力,使人们更有效率。

2. 竞争促使生产出更好的产品和提供更优质的服务。

3. 竞争促进了社会的进一步发展。 第 17 页 共 17 页 文亮官网()

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