高考文理不分科时间表,高考文理不分科的利弊,文理不分科高考怎么考,高考应不应该文理分科英语演讲稿 QQ空间素材网 > 高考或文理不分科 > 高考文理不分科时间表,高考文理不分科的利弊,文理不分科高考怎么考,高考应不应该文理 正文


发布时间:2013-02-03 来源: 高考或文理不分科

2014年山东高考文理不分科 英语听力取消 文理科不再分科希望不重蹈江苏的覆辙学文科,还是学理科?文科理科哪个升学率高?哪个专业就业率好?对于不少高中生和家长而言,...

教育提倡以人为本,每个人都有专长和爱好,文理分科有利于发挥专长和减轻学习负担。所 以我更希望文理分科 虽说我们一直希望一个人能够均衡发展, 但是同时一个人的精力也是有限的, 而且现在高中 的学习压力已经在不断增大,题目的难度也不断在提高,如果我们一味的追求均衡,到最后 只会导致一个人的全面崩溃。一旦我们文理不再分科,就意味着我们的学习科目在增多,学 习要求在成倍提升, 这只会加大学生的学习压力。

也许有人会说文理分科会使人在某些方面 缺乏教育, 可是如果文理不分科会让大多数学生博而不精, 反不如文理科更让学生有侧重点。

而且文理分科使学生能朝着自己的爱好兴趣发展, 当今的社会也是继续专业人才, 文理分科 恰好符合社会的需求。

且现在是一个追求个性化的时代, 我们应该给予学生更大的自由选择 权。

Dear teacher and classmates, Good afternoon. I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. I feel honoured to have an opportunity to share my opinion about the Arts and Science Division with you.I hope you will like it, and found the importance in my speech so that more cherish it. Education advocates people-oriented.However,as is known to us,everyone has his own specialities and hobbies, the separation of liberal arts and science is conducive to exploit the advantage to the full and reduce the burden of learning. So I support the division of Arts and Science. First of all,we always hope that a person will be able to hold the balanced development, but a person's energy is limited.What’s more, the learning pressure has been continuously increasing, in the meantime the difficulty of the subject are also constantly improving. If we blindly pursued balance, we would only lead to the total collapse. Once we no longer have the division of Arts and Science, we should sensed that our study subjects are increasing.What’s worse,the learning requirements is increasing multiply, which will only add the students’ learning pressure. Perhaps some people will say that the division of liberal arts and science will contribute to the lack of education in some aspects, but we should remind ourselves that the missing of the Arts and Science Devision will make most students become a jack of all trade.In the contrary, the Arts and Science Devision is of great help to students so that they will have the emphasis in their later studying life. In addition, students can develop their own interests because of the division of liberal arts and science.In addition,modern society is also demanding for professional, so the division of liberal arts and science happens to meet the requirements and development of it. Nowadays,we are living in an age which is full of personality, we should give students great flexibility in the choice of education. From what have been discussed,we can safely draw the conclusion that we should not cancel the departmental system. Thanks for your listening.



2014年山东高考文理不分科 英语不考听力 随着2012年高考录取工作接近尾声,今年的高考和高招录取工作也即将画上一个句号:首次亮相的春季高考,高达49.5%的本科录取率,...


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