普林斯顿大学,普林斯顿2012毕业演讲,普林斯顿中国大学排名,王光亚在普林斯顿大学的演讲开场白的翻译 QQ空间素材网 > 普林斯顿大学毕业演讲 > 普林斯顿大学,普林斯顿2012毕业演讲,普林斯顿中国大学排名,王光亚在普林斯顿大学 正文


发布时间:2012-04-10 来源: 普林斯顿大学毕业演讲

原文地址:王光亚在普林斯顿大学的演讲开场白作者:温州信达翻译社女士们、先生们: 晚上好。 很荣幸应邀到普林斯顿大学参加你们的研讨会。对我本人、我的同事及许多中国...

王光亚在普林斯顿大学的演讲开场白 女士们、先生们:



对我本人、 我的同事及许多中国人来讲, 普林斯顿大学的名字早已是耳熟能详。

她的历史比这个国家还长, 从这个校园里走出了美国 第28任总统伍德罗· 威尔逊、伟大科学家爱因斯坦、著名诗人 T.S.艾略特等众多杰出人物。

正如前总统克林顿先生在1996年普大建校250周年时所说:“在美国历史上的每一个紧要关 头,普林斯顿大学及其师生都发挥了关键作用。” 令人高兴的是,在座诸位对中国事务都抱有研究兴趣。虽然我们两国地理上相距万里, 但在日常生活中却非常相近。好莱坞影片、麦当劳快餐成了许多中国人生活中的内容。而中 国加工的服装、日用品也天天伴随着美国人民。我希望通过今天的交流,能增进在座诸位对 中国和中国外交政策的了解,为未来彼此的友谊与合作锦上添花。

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening. It is an honor for me to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US President, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As the former President Bill Clinton said in 1996 in celebration of the 250 anniversary of Princeton: "At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, its students have played a crucial role."

I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have lots in common. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald's fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today's seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus further deepening our friendship and cooperation. 保持农历新年的核心价值观 Keeping the Core Value of Lunar New Year 对于全世界的华人来说,农历新年(又称春节)无疑是全年最重要的节日。这个华人传统源 自大约3000年前,它代表着旧的一年平安过去了,人们准备大事庆祝和迎接新的一年。

To all the Chinese people in the world, Lunar New Year (also called Spring Festival) is undoubtedly the most important festival in the whole year. This Chinese tradition dates back about 3000 years ago. It represents that people pass the old year peacefully and prepare for big celebration to welcome the New Year. 除夕夜的团圆饭是整个年头里最具有意义的一餐。

所有大家庭的成员都会聚集一堂, 远在他 乡的也会尽量赶回来。

团圆饭显示了家庭在华人文化里的重要地位, 它可以增强家庭凝聚力。 The reunion dinner in the New Year’ eve is the most significant dinner in a year. All the family members will get together, even those who are far from home will come back as soon as possible. The reunion dinner shows the important position of family in Chinese culture. It can enhance the sense of togetherness. 人们庆祝新年的方式,体现了两个重要的核心价值观。首先,多代同堂的家庭成员,齐聚接 种享受一顿丰盛的团圆饭, 是每一个人都会遵守的习惯。

准备一顿丰盛晚餐的工作当然是落 在家中女成员的身上,比较富裕的家庭则可能有佣人帮忙。其次,亲戚朋友间也会兴高采烈 互访。这样的欢庆方式,有助于加强亲情和友情。

The ways of people celebrating New year shows two important core values. First, members of multi-generation family get together to enjoy the splendid reunion dinner happily. And it is the custom that complied with everyone. Preparing a splendid dinner surely falls on female members’ shoulders. And in some wealth families ,there are some helping hands. Second, relatives and friends will pay visits to each other. Those ways of celebration can strengthen the kinship and friendship. 然而,经济的发展带来了人们生活方式的改变。忙碌了一年,人们不愿在过年的时候还要忙 年夜饭,越来越多的人宁愿花钱在高级的餐馆吃,亲朋好友之间也不再登门拜访,代之以电 话、短信拜年。有的举家出游,甚至干脆住进酒店“避年”,避免亲戚朋友造访,图个清净。

But, economic development brings the change of people’s living styles. After a year’s hard working, people unwilling to prepare the reunion dinner in New Year’s Eve. They would rather choose to eat in smart restaurants. And instead of paying visits, relatives and friends are sending greetings via phones or text messages. Some families tend to take a trip, some even check into hotels to seek contemporary refuge, so that they can avoid relatives and friends’ visits and seek quiet live. 有的传统人士认为, 没有了团圆饭和亲戚朋友互访的习俗和它们所代表的核心价值观, 新年 将失去意义,变成一个个商业性的节日,就像圣诞节一样。

Some tradition-minded people think that without reunion dinner, relatives and friends’ visits and their core values, New Year will lose its meaning and become a commercial festival just as Christmas. 春节是中华文化遗产的重要部分,新春活动将延续下去,庆祝的形式虽然会和以前不一样, 但他们代表的核心价值观,即对亲情和友情的重视则应该保留。

Spring festival is an important part of Chinese cultural legacy. And the activities during Spring Festival will keep going over the time. Though the ways of celebration will be different form old ones, the core values of respecting kinship and friendship which they represent will be retained

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