明孝陵 中山陵 导游词,明孝陵英语导游词,明孝陵逃票,新明孝陵导游词 QQ空间素材网 > 明孝陵导游词 > 明孝陵 中山陵 导游词,明孝陵英语导游词,明孝陵逃票,新明孝陵导游词 正文

明孝陵 中山陵 导游词,明孝陵英语导游词,明孝陵逃票,新明孝陵导游词

发布时间:2012-05-11 来源: 明孝陵导游词

【LiuXue86. - 景点导游词大全】明孝陵导游词范文2014 各位游客们,大家好!南京有“帝王之洲”之称,各个朝代在南京都留下了大批古迹和遗址.今天,我将带领大家去参...

Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty 1:景点概况(1 分 30 秒) (明孝陵的主人、位置、建陵时间及名称由来 宝城宝顶的特点 朱元璋生平) Xiaoling tomb of the ming dynasty is one of the biggest imperial mausoleums in china.It lies in the eastern suburbs of nanjing city at the southern foot of zhongshan mountain .Emperor Taizu ,Zhuyuanzhang,the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty and Queen Ma were buried there. The construction of the mausoleum began in 1381 and was completed in 1413.In 1384,Queen Ma died and was buried there.Empeor Taizu had bestowed her up upon the title “Queen of Xiao Ci “,which means “Queen of filial piety and kindness.’’Hence,the name Ming Xiaoling derives from her title. AS you know , the Citadel of Treasures(宝城)and the Treasured Crown (宝顶) is the characteristic of the Xiaoling tomb The Citadel of Treasures(宝城) is the site of graveyard(坟茔)and the Treasured Crown is the tomb itself the Treasured Crown (宝顶), which is half circled by a stone wall Then what is zhuyuanzhang’lifetime about?Born into a poor peasant family in Fengyang County, Anhui Province in 1328, Zhu Yuanzhang lost his parents in his childhood and became a monk at Huangjue Temple. In 1352, he joined the Red Turban Army led by Guo Zixin. He married Guo Zixin’s adopted daughter and became the commanding general later. Zhu Yuanzhang took over Nanjing in 1356 and made it the capital in 1368 when he conquered the rest parts of China and established the Ming Dynasty and Hongwu as the title of his regin. 2:大金门、碑亭(2 分钟) (大金门的建筑特点及规模 碑亭原来的建筑形式和现有的形式 碑亭的俗称 功德碑简 介 碑文 Go 700 meters northwest from the gateway, we can see a three-arched gate. It is known as the Great Golden Gate(大金 门)which is the front gate( 正门)of the mausoleum, connecting with the red enclosure walls. The gate used to have a single-eaved and gable-roofed gate-tower. The tower is gone and the vermilion doors ( red lacquered doors 朱漆大门) are missing. But the stone Sumeru seat(石须弥座) under the gate and carved foundation stones remain unchanged. Then, go 70 meters up further across the mausoleum road, we’ll reach a castle -like tablet pavilion. As its double-eaved and gable-roofed housetop of glazed tile(瑠璃瓦歇山重檐亭顶)is gone and, only the four walls and four arched doors still remain, a popular name is given to the pavilion as the Square Town” by the local people. In the middle of the pavilion t here stands a huge stone tablet 8.78 meters in height with an inscription of 2746 characters carved on it. This is “The Stele of S acred Merits and Virtues of Great Ming’s Filial Tomb”(大明孝陵神功圣德碑 ) . The inscription on the stele written by Zhu Di, the third emperor of the Ming, tells us the story about the old emperor in 4 aspects: 1. The life experience (身世) and historical background of the late emperor;

2. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang pleaded on behalf of the people(为民请命)to rebel against the Yuan Dynasty;

3. Praise the merits and virtues done by his father, such as making his mother the empress dowager(立皇太后)and posthumously granting title of king to people of the same surname ( 追 封同姓), etc.;4.The old emperor administrated the country well with able leadership( 治国有方). He abolished the Secretariat (废中书省) and established Six Ministries(建六部)in charge of general affairs(分管庶务). He valued knowledge(尊重知识) and attached importance to talented people(重视人才). In addition, carved on the stele are 57 descendents’ names of the imperial family and a classical poem with 4 characters to a line attached in praise of them( 又附颂词一篇). The purpose of Emperor Yongle to write the inscription for the stele was to praise his father emperor in name, but to praise himself in reality, so as to presume himself as the authorized successor to the old emperor. 3:神道、梅花山(2 分 30 秒) (石象路的六种神兽名称、数量及排列顺序 望柱点到即可 石翁仲路上文臣、武将 的名称、数量及排列顺序 lined with 棂星门复建的时间 孙权墓和赏梅胜地) Go out of the “ Square Town”, we’ll come to the Sacred Way across an imperial moat bridge ( 御河桥). The sacred way is 12 pairs of giant stone animals in 6 kinds.incluing lions ,xiezhi,camels,elephants,unicorns and horses Each kind of the animals has 2 pairs, one standing and the other kneeling. The standing pair is working and kneeling one resting and, they are on duty alternately. The real purposes of building these animals are: to show off the emperor’s dignity before the eyes of worshippers;

to drive away evil spirits and guard the tomb. Each animal is postured differently and each conveys an auspicious meaning .For example ,the lion ,king of the animals,shows the stateliness of the emperor ;xiezhi, also named renfashou, is a legendary animal standing for justice ;the camle ,symbol of the desert and tropical areas ,indicates the vast territor of the dynasty and the unicorn ,auspicious creature of yhe chinese fantasy ,integrates the feature of the tiger,lion,ox and dragon. As legend goes,it appeared only in the region of the benevolent and wise emperor.Generally speaking, they are symbols of courage, wisdom, peace,Beyond the ston animals is a pair of decorive columns called “Reverence Pillars”( 望柱)” .Four pairs of stone-carved statues of ministers and generals marke this location. Legend has it that there was a man named Ran Wengzhong of the Qin Dynasty, who was a giant about 10 meters tall. Emperor Qin Shihuang sent him on an expedition against Xiongnu, an ancient nationality in north China. After he died, a bronze statue was cast for him in Xianyang Palace. Since the time all the bronze statues and stone statues put before a tomb have been called Weng Zhong. At the end of the sacred avenue, there used to be a gate named Lingxing Gate with three arches. and it was rebuilted in 2007 January 30 . .From here the Sacred Way turns into a north-south direction and becomes known as Wengzhong Road nd circles a small hill planted with thousands of plum trees. It is the Plum Hill, which is the tomb of Sun Quan, the king of the Eastern Wu kingdom. It is said that some royal ministers of the Ming suggested moving the tomb away when the emperor’s mausoleum was under construction. But the emperor did not agree and praised Sun Quan to be a good fellow and let him stay to be the concierge of his tomb. The plum hill is now a wonderful site for local people to admire plum blossom in spring when the trees are blooming. 4:金水桥、陵门、碑殿(2 分 30 秒) (过金水桥点到即可 陵门建筑特点“特别告示”碑及六国文字 碑殿内五块石 碑的名称及内容) Passing jinshui Bridge , we’ll come to the Tomb Gate(陵门). The arch gate has 5 doorways, with yellow glazed tiles, red walls and doors. But this gate was rebuilt in 1999. The lintel of the gate is engraved with three Chinese characters meaning “Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty or The Ming’s Filial Tomb”. The name “Xiaoling” was given by the emperor himself, but the word “Ming” was added to later in the Qing times. At the foot of the gate,there is a “special notice “stone tablet carved in six languages(Japanese,German,ltalian,English,Frenchand Russian),notifying visitors of the importance of the mausoleum. Inside the gate is the Imperial Tablet Hall.There are five tablets displayed in it .In the middle tablet ,it is carved on four chinese characters”Zhi Long Tang Song “,meaning the state of Ming taizu even better than emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty ,two successful emperors in the chinese history written by Kangxi during his third inspection tour to southern China .Cao Yin ,grandfather of Cao xueqin a,grate writer inscribed it on the tablet .Besides the middle big tablet ,there are also two tablets inscribed two steles with a poem composed by the emperor. Qian Long. At each back of the there are two sleeping tomb stones carved with the titles wrritened by Vicery of laingjiang in Qing dynasty . 5:享殿遗址(1 分 30 秒) (享殿过去和现在的用途 原来的规模及现在可见的景观) Go out of the pavilion, we’ll come to the site of xiang hall. The original hall was very large in a width of 9 rooms(九开间). It was used to enshrine Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and his empress.while now it is a pace to vist and a shop dealing in souvenis.Figures og Emperor taizu and Queen Ma are hanging inside on the wall. The hall was destroyed yet its 56 stone column bases are still there. There are also three stone-carved patterns laid between the two-way parallel flights of stairs outside the hall ,depicting various scenes like “the two dragons playing with a pearl,””the blazing sun over the country “and “a heavenly steed soaring across the skies.” On both sides of the Filial Hall there used to have a number of side halls for enshrining imperial concubines buried with the dead emperor( 陪葬妃子). The present Filial Hall with only three rooms is much smaller than the original. It was rebuilt and twicely restored for the tomb guards during the Tongzhi reign of the Qing Dynasty. But now it only has some portraits of the emperor and the crown prince( 太子) done by later generations hanging on the walls. 6 方城,明楼,宝城、宝顶(2 分钟) (方城明楼的布局 建筑特色 宝城、宝顶的规模、形状和建造特点) Then through the Inner Red Gate,you will come to the Fang Cheng .The base of Fang Cheng has an arched passageway in the middle. Along the 54 steps, you will see the south wall of the tomb carved with seven Chinese characters meaing “this hill is the tomb of Emperor Taizu of Ming “,which was written in the early time of Republic of Chian.Here,it is divided into two paths,one is leading up to Ming Tower.Ming Tower faces south with three arched entrances facing east ,west ,and north respective.The roof of ming tower has collapsed over the years,but the walls remians.In 2009,the government rebuilt the roof in order to keep it better. The other path leads to Baocheng ,which refers to the wall around the tomb.The top of the mausoleum is situated at Dulongfu of Wanzhu Peak at the southern foot of Zhongshan Mountain .Baoding is covered by a large circled earthen mound ,325-400meters in diameter.The tomb of Emperor Taizu and Queen Ma is just beneath. Xiaoling tomb of the Ming Dynasty is renowed for its unique design,its eminent status,its amazing beauty and its magnificent scale.It is the milestone in the historical development of Chinese mausoleums.As an extension of the “imp erial tombs of the Ming and Qing dynasties”,it is listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.

江苏省明孝陵导游词 各位游客:南京有“帝王之洲”之称,各个朝代在南京都留下了大批古迹和遗址. 现在我们要去参观游览的是明孝陵. 【明孝陵的地理位置—选址经过—营建...

中山陵 【景点概况】1.5 分钟 1、明孝陵的主人、位置、建陵时间及名称由来 2、朱元璋生平 5、陵墓特点 各位游客:现在我们将去游览的景点是明孝陵.中山陵位于紫金山第二峰...

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明孝陵 中山陵 导游词,明孝陵英语导游词,明孝陵逃票,新明孝陵导游词