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发布时间:2014-01-13 来源: 一句话新闻练习

新 新闻 闻阅 阅读 读与 与实 实践 践练 练习 习 实践一——拟写一句话新闻 例1 概括成一句话新闻.(不超过20 字) 在法国隆重纪念诺曼底登陆 60 周年之际,一座由中国雕塑 家...

— — unilateral 单 边 的 measures Congress 国会 curb 限 制 重新引入 一 系 列措 施 the range of assault weapons 攻击性武 Connecticut 康涅狄格州 reintroduction 器 The Obama administration has signaled it may take unilateral action on gun control if Congress won’t cooperate on the issue. Vice President Joe Biden said Mr. Obama was determined to curb gun violence and added that this could be done by legislation which requires working with Congress or executive action which doesn’t. Paul Adams reports from Washington. This was the first time the vice president has hinted at the range of measures being considered by the White House. He said he and the president were determined to act. The tragedy at Newtown, Connecticut had, he said, awakened the conscience of the country and it was important not to be put off by the complexity of the task. Mr. Biden didn’t say what those measures were, but they almost certainly include the reintroduction of a ban on so-called assault weapons as well as a more comprehensive system of background checks on those purchasing guns Francois Hollande1.法国总统奥朗德 retaliation 报复;


倒算 Islamist1.伊斯兰主义 者 Islamist militants 伊斯兰武装分子 surveillance n. 监督,监视,监察,管制 air strikes 空中打击 Somalia 索马里 hostage 人质 News with Marion Marshall. The French president Francois Hollande says he will strengthen security inside France against possible retaliation by Islamist groups to French military operations in Mali and Somalia. He said there'd been increased surveillance in public buildings and transport. French forces in Mali have continued air strikes against Islamist militants and Mr. Hollande said the mission wasn’t over. Meanwhile in Somalia one French solider is known to have died during a failed attempt to rescue a hostage, another is missing. From Pairs Hugh Schofield. Exercise 2 You will hear 10 acronyms, listen carefully and tick off the one that you have heard. — — — — — — — Questions: 1. What’s the main idea of news item 1? 2. How many people are living with HIV? 3. What does Obama say? 4. How many people were arrested and why? 5. When did the two leaders agree to meet? 1)_____ will begin investigating whether it should convert its cash reserves into something other than dollars. The idea was discussed at an OPEC Summit in _______this weekend. Oil prices are at an all-time-high but the declining dollar has some OPEC leaders concerned over future oils sales. Well, oil is priced in US dollars on — — — — the world market. 2) The _______says more than 33 million people are living with HIV/AIDS. It takes its deadliest toll in the developing world where 95 percent of the infected live today. 3)Democratic presidential candidate ________says security in _____ is improving. Now it's time to talk about the country's other needs. Obama was speaking in Jordan during his highly-publicized trip abroad. He says there is military progress in Iraq but now it needs a political solution. 4)______says it has arrested six men for plotting to form a terrorist net-work tied to ________. Officials say one of the men wanted to target the helicopter of _______ during a visit in January. 5)Japan's new prime minister, ________, has already taken his first steps to try to repair relations with _________ and ________. Mister Abe and South Korean President ________ spoke by telephone earlier this week and agreed to meet as soon as possible. Leaders from the two countries have not met in almost a year. 1. How many countries will the Asia’s biggest trading areas include? A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. not known 2. How much does the trade between India and ASEAN amount to each year? 3. Will India and ASEAN add tariffs on goods ? A. yes B. no. — — — — — — — 经济:印度及东南亚国家签署了自由贸易协定 — Indian Commerce Minister Anand Sharma and his counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations sealed the agreement in Bangkok Thursday. They met on the sidelines of the annual ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting. — The agreement creates one of Asia’s biggest trading areas and integrates India’s fast growing economy with 10 of its neighbors. — Trade between India and ASEAN amounts to $40 billion each year. Under the pact, India and ASEAN will eliminate tariffs on various goods by 2016. — — — —

新闻知识写作练习题一 一、名词解释 1 、新闻真实性 真实性,最简单的定义是:新闻必须反映客观事物的原貌.真实性是新闻存在的基本条件, 也是新闻传媒必须遵守的原则. ...

当年日军对中国的侵略给他留下了痛苦的回忆,最近日本教科书篡改历史的事件更激起了他的义愤,于是他踏上了声讨日军罪行之路.、 例题 2 : 阅读下面一则新闻,为这则新闻...

二、《西游记》和孙悟空闻名中外,在中国家喻户晓。我赞同‘雷锋车’组的倡议,选孙悟空为2008年奥运会吉祥物。”(江苏连云港) 4.根据下面的内容拟一则新闻标题,不超...



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