【外贸英语口语:寄形式发票时】 外贸形式发票英文版

时间:2018-11-13 05:38:42 来源:QQ空间素材网 本文已影响 QQ空间素材网


Sending Proforma Invoice 寄形式发票

1)We thank you for your inquiry of ... and have pleasure in enclosing our Proforma Invoice No. ... As soon as you have handed in your application for import license, please send us a copy for reference.

2)Enclosed please find our Proforma Invoice No. ... for...
3)We are pleased to send you our Proforma Invoice No. ... in triplicate as requested.

按要求,兹寄上我方形式发票第...号, 一式三份.
4)We have been informed by ... that you are thinking of purchasing... and have pleasure in enclosing our Proforma Invoice in duplicate.

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