深谙考点规律,快速提高完形填空题 完形填空解题的6个技巧

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  (2011年全国Ⅰ卷)In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory 1 course about 20years ago.
  The professor 2 the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆), and invited the students to 3 how many beans the jar contained. A fret 4 shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the 5 answer, and went on saying, “You have just 6 an important lesson about science. That is: Never 7 your own senses.”
  Twenty years later, the 8 could guess what the professor had in mind. He 9 himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting 10 into an unknowns world invisible(无形的)to the 11 , which can be discovered only through scientific 12 . But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even 13 the invitation. She was just 14 to understand the world. And she 15 that her firsthand experience could be the 16 . The professor, however, said that it was 17 . He was taking away her only 18 for knowing and was providing her with no substitute(替代). “I remember feeling small and 19 .” The woman says, “and I did the only thing I could do. I 20 the course the afternoon, and I haven’ t gone near science since.”
  ◆读上下文 1. A. art B. history C. science D. math
  ■词汇辨析2. Aa. searched for B. looked at
   C. got through D. marched into (步入)
  ◆读上下文 3. A. count B. guess
   C. report D. watch
  ◆上下文 4. A. warning B. giving
   C. turning away D. listening to
  ▲常识推理5. A. ready B. possible
   C. correct D. difficult
  ●固定搭配6. A. 1earned B. prepared
   C. taught D. taken
  ◆读上下文 7. A. 1ose B. trust C. sharpen D. taken
  ◆读上下文 8. A. 1ecturer B. scientist
   C. speaker D. woman
  ●固定搭配9. A. described B. respected
   C. saw D. served
  ■词汇辨析10. A. voyage B. movement
   C. change D. rush
  ▲常识推理 11. A. professor B. eye
   C. knowledge D. light
  ■词汇辨析12. A. model B. senses
   C. spirit D. methods
  ◆读上下文 13. A. hear B. make C. present D. refuse
  �逻辑推理 14. A. suggesting B. beginning
   C. pretending D. waiting
  �逻辑推理 15. A. believed B. doubted
   C. proved D. explained
  �逻辑推理 16. A. growth B. strength C. faith D. truth
  �逻辑推理17. A. firm B. interesting
   C. wrong D. acceptable
  ■词汇辨析18. A. task B. tool
   C. success D. connection
  �逻辑推理19. A. cruel B. proud
   C. frightened D. brave
  ■词汇辨析20. A. dropped B. started
   C. passed D. missed
  第一空:a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory 1 course about 20years ago. 我们需要读到第二段的You have just 6 an important lesson about science才能获得有用信息――an important lesson about science。此时考生可以在science下划线标注。直至通读全文后,从文章的最后一句话――and I haven’t gone near science since(我再也没有接触过科学这个课程)可以百分之百确定第一小题的答案为C选项。并且第一小题的四个选项中,只有science在文中出现了。
  第七空:You have just 6 an important lesson about science. That is: Never 7 your own senses.你学到关于科学的一个重要的课程,那就是永远不要_____你的感觉。我们必须在通读全文的基础上,才能知道教授告诉他的学生的道理――不要相信眼睛看到的,不要凭自己的感觉来做科学。可知答案为B选项。
  第八空:Twenty years later, the 8 could guess what the professor had in mind.在通读文章的过程中可知guess这个动作的发出者是woman,正确答案为D选项。
  第三空:and invited the students to 3 how many beans the jar contained. 本小题可以从A fret 4 shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin(听到众多错误的猜测之后,教授勉强地笑了)一句中得到答案为B选项。
  第四空:A fret 4 shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin...,本句可以根据下文shouts of wildly wrong guesses可知正确选项为D――教授听到了很多错误的猜测。此题也可以归类为常识题,因为只能是“听到”声音。
  第十三空:But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even 13 the invitation.可是当时只有17岁的小女孩没能接受或者听到那种所谓的邀请。这里的invitation和第十空后的inviting his students to start...呼应。且教授的邀请是口头说的,作为一个听众,只能是听到教授的邀请。
  表示列举的连词:first,second,third...;firstly,secondly,thirdly...; first,next,then...; in the first place,in the second place...;for one thing,for another thing...;
  表示原因的连词:because,since,as,now that...
  表示结果的连词:so,therefore,thus,accordingly,consequently,as a result
  表示让步和转折的连词:however,nevertheless,still,though,yet,in spite of,in any case,whoever,whatever
  表示对照的连词:on the contrary,in contrast,by contrast,in comparison,by comparison,conversely
  表示补充的连词:also,further,furthermore,li- kewise,similarly,moreover,in addition,what’s more,too,either,neither,not...but...,not only...but also...
  表示时间顺序的连词:when,while,as,after,before,since,until,as soon as,once
  表示目的的连词:that,so that,in order that,for fear that
  表示条件的连词:if,suppose (that),supposing (that),unless,in case,so (as) long as,so far as
  第十四空:She was just 14 to understand the world .往前读But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even hear the invitation. 可是当时只有17岁的小女孩没能接受或者听到那种所谓的邀请。因为她才刚刚开始去理解和感受这个世界。这句考查的是因果关系,并且省略了连词。正确答案为B选项。
  第十五空、第十六空、第十七空:She was just to understand the world. And she 15 that her firsthand experience could be the 16 . The professor, however, said that it was 17 . He was taking away her only 18 for knowing and was providing her with no substitute(替代).这三个空具有非常强的逻辑关系,根据文章的主旨大意以及第十八空所在句――教授把她理解世界的唯一的工具(视觉,第一印象)带走了,又没有提供可供替代的方式,考生可以知道教授对学生的第一手经验是持否定态度的,因为否定学生的第一手经验,教授才会带走这个工具。从第十八空回头看第十七空――尽管如此,教授说那是错误的(教授否定学生的经验,所以才会说那是错误的)。再从第十七空回头看第十六空(转折关系)――她相信她的第一手经验是可靠的、正确的。第十五空考查的同样是隐晦的因果关系――因为这个只有17岁的小女孩才刚刚开始理解和感受这个世界,涉世未深,所以她believe她的第一手经验。这三个空考查了并列关系(连词and)、转折关系(连词however)、因果关系(隐晦的)。因此,三个空的答案分别为:15(A),16(D),17(C)。
  第十九空:I remember feeling small and 19 .本句考查的是并列关系(and),and的前后应该填入同样感情色彩的词语,small(渺小)是一个贬义词,选项中只有frightened是表示贬义的。句意是:我深感自己的渺小和恐惧。因此第十九空的答案为C选项。
  第五空:A fret shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the 5 answer...,前面说到教授听到很多错误的答案,勉强地笑了,那么根据常识的普适性原则,在这种情况下,一般会给出正确的答案。继续往下读之后,也知道教授是宣布正确的答案。因此,第五空的正确答案为C选项。
  第十一空:as inviting his students to start an exciting into an unknowns world invisible(无形的)to the 11 ,本句的意思是教授吸引学生去探索一个无形的世界,根据常识来说,无形的世界是针对眼睛来说,也就是眼睛看不见的无形的世界。因此答案为B选项。
  第二空:D。教授走进报告厅,把一个大罐子放在桌子上,里面装着晒干了的豆子。search for寻找;look at看着;get through通过,完成,打通电话;marched into步入。
  第十空:A。这是一段特殊的旅程,那就是去探索一个肉眼看不到的世界。voyage旅程; movement时刻;change机会。
  第十八空:B。教授把她理解世界的唯一的工具带走了。task任务 ;工作,做作业。tool工具。success成功;胜利;大获成功的人或者事物。connection连接;关系;连接件。
  对于这一类选择题,不能利用语法知识进行判断,因此平时的日积月累就十分重要。只有熟悉其意义和用法,才能迅速准确地做出判断。完形填空考查的短语是由动词+介词,或动词+副词构成,在现代英语中,这类词组很多而且实用性强、结构简练,使用灵活,表达生动,如break the ice,look forward to,keep an eye on,catch one’ s eye等;还有一类使用极广的是介词短语,如with regard to,at the age of等。这需要考生在平时的练习中注意词组、短语的整体记忆,掌握它们的搭配规律。
  第六空:A “learn a lesson”学会一堂课。
  第九空:C 教授把自己看作这样一个人:吸引学生去探索一个肉眼看不到的世界。see sb. as...意为把某人看做一个什么样的人。

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